Wednesday, December 19, 2012

day 7 & 8

Delhi is heating..... !!!
the rape of the girl that took place in the moving bus in munrika and the height of brutality shown by the bus drivers an there friends by throwing the girl and her friend in unconditional state is just the highest point of brutality.... well right now i am not aware of the background of the bus driver so i am not in a state commenting about the psychological condition the tended him to do such job.
"liquor " it has been told that  the people were drunk when they did this thing......
the law prohibits the people to drive after drinking.. there is a law how many of them are one
second.... were not these men were born out of a women ... a don't think they were born criminals .... were not they respecting the women till this age.... then what happened which tended them to do such a crime..... at least every body is taught to respect their mother.. their sister ...their wife... in total the whole woman structure. what happened in a point of time that they lost everything
third comes the police system what was the police system doing.. when such hilarious thing was happening...why weren't they concerned about the fact that the bus covered with black frames was moving inside their city for so long when there is a rule that no Private or public will have black frames without prior permission..........
fourth the government . is it not the responsibility of the government to protect every citizen...why had it failed at every front...why does it takes action after things have happened...??
fifth the citizen they are asking for harsher punishments for those tell you dhananjoy chatterjee was hanged till death in India..who raped a young girl and then killed her..... didn't the people knew that .... aren't the laws strict in india....
what should be done to the rapist.... he should be according to me send to some mental hospital... he should not be hanged he should be treated and then send to life imprisonment...
what should be done to the girl... she should be given a respectable position.... the society should behave.. .... she should be given a peace ful environment... an environment where she could live happily.. improve... marry someone ... have children... and live a peace ful life....
at least we can do this much

Monday, December 17, 2012

day 6

new day new thoughts...thoughts that can change life of many but not changing my life presently......... why do people ask so many questions some times??...they have questions for every thing...from god to traffic to politics to entertainment......i always get ridiculed by their questions...why do they ask so much ...what is their problems..i myself never asked so many questions....just followed what they said........
but i was all wrong the way i was doing what i was liking and the persons who asked questions were doing better because in the answers to their questions they got better way to deal with the situations
i would say a questioning mind is better because he wants something ...he his always searching for something...he want something better .....he is questioning the authority because he knows something good lies ahead of it......
i always thought that the people who are atheist does not believe in god....... but i was wrong they are the people who are really searching god "an eternal power" and are not satisfied with the projections presented to them by the society...... they are questioning his authority and want to know why they should bow before him......... well these all stuffs are really tough and sometimes hard to believe
the bottom line of the story is i am also trying to develop a habit of questiong....not only questioning but also finding answers to by questions.....hope i would suceed in this exercise also

Saturday, December 15, 2012

day 4 & 5

i haven't written anything in these two days therefore i had to write my two days experience...... day 4 started with with a feeling of lousiness... loneliness..and all sort of unhealthy feeling put putting them all aside i started my day...with a little prayer...i don't know many would agree or not but a prayer do give you a kind of satisfaction that you are not alone...somebody is listening you..and he is guiding you and taking you to all the good thing and preventing all the bad things.....i am practicing this from an year now and i really feel a lot of positivity in myself........ all these things come from self belief only.......i would not say any other guy to try this or anything else if he does not believe it....
well this was just the starting and each day is like a day of war from me when the evil and the angel inside me battles....and i think it is the evil who wins most of the time.....well this is the thing of practice and i have let all these years of my life my evil side wining how can i let my good side win..
the good side say to study the evil say "chill yaar there is time"!! the beautiful mind of yours can handle every situation...but the time is lost..and the majority of my time which has to be used in studies is wasted in doing other things......
the only thing i can do is practice and practice ..some day my good side will also win and that day i would achieve the biggest victory of my life...and i am desperately waiting for that beautiful time....
in these two days i had really good experience got to know about yeats.....yes the renowned poet and writer w b yeats...... but i found his poems really me i have read some of them......
the second day also didn't any good the test was really horrifying seems i would be getting some negative numbers this time.....and the history class was also verry boring although the teacher tried hard to maintain the interest of the no offence with him
hope the new day would bring in some new freshness in all our lives...
stay healthy say cool

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

day 3

seriously i am not into this blogging business........then why am i doing all these things.....well no answer for that....blogging business seems like a brain storming exercise..well that one can do through writing diaries also....then why this blogging..??
well i cant say i can answer that........well i stated because i wanted to develop it as ahobby and also to get som critics from my viewers....i know i dont have any right now but certainly it will come...and i could get commments on what i am thiking is in a right way or not....i started blooging in the end of around like 2011...and re started it in the end of 2012
writing gives me satisfaction ...that i am able to put my views on a paper and i am not guided by the others view...... it has always been my demerit that i easily deviate away from my views and i want to get over my demerit .
i have promised my self that i will not use this blooging to talk about the world our india but rather talk about myself everything happening around me and i will be truth ful........nothing would be fantasised...
well then about the day....
this day is the day of broken promises..."broken promises " because i broke my promise which i have promised them....... this certainly shows my lack of sincerity towards my life......each day i woke up with thousands of promise and i am not able to ful fill any of it only me our many of us our facing the same challenge ...i dont know.....
what could be the we promise ourselves unreasonable things....our we are unable to carrry our own expectations....what is it....??...the truth is when we can not keep our promise with our selves how can we fulfill others expectation......
i know my problem... ithink i just dont want to work hard....some one once said to me that i have the depth of the earth...but you are too lazy to dig yourself and get the gems inside you...
i know this could be the problem of many of us and only thing that we can do is keep practicing ourselves till we get out this laziness.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

day 2

nothing interesting happened between these 48 hr.......but i could recall many great experiences i had..between these ours.....
in my note book i never mention date if i am righting in my rough is rough yarr why to mention something particular..and also it maintains a pace between my it is not divided...
a girl sitting beside me asked for my mathematics practice copy , as usual i havent written any date and she wanted to know what was done in the previous class..... and she was unable to find it...yarr she shold have askd me and i would have gradually told her about the class... but instead she started claiming my sincerity my saying that those who dont right dates..or their names...or dont leave gaps between the lines....write irregulary.betwee the lines......are less sincere to there work...
was she write.....may be !!
these might seem smalll things but they throw a huge impact on the persons certainly describes the way of life you leave and how sincere you are about your work......she was true i was lacking in my sincerity which is now i believe is the only key to suceed in life........ the dream which i am pursuing or any dream which someone else is pursuing cannot be achieved if one is not sincer to himself.....
the only thing i want to say is..." at least be sincere to yourself" .
and there is no harm in writing dates in you copy.....and also it leads  a good impact on the viewers.

day outside the crust

day 1....
i believe that one should always keep thinking...thinkings and writing constantly can bring many changes in his life . one always gets better each day if he sit and think what he has done all day. let me think what i have done and experienced in the last 3 days...
these were the usual days.. i was in metro going to jor bagh for my classes..2 eldely people a man and a woman came inside the metro an d sat beside me...they e=were constanty talking and talking in enhlish... i was little surprised..most of eldery in delhi talk in english which we cannot see in small towns...there were constantantly talking how the city has changed ...the roads the dtc buses worked at there time...the crowd of delhi.....the behaviour of present generations towards them...blah blah blah...according to them the present generation is rediculou...always in a rush...they dont give respect to it really so....have we the present generation dont give the respect and love which they expect....are we really lacking in the area...
i assume that is reallly the truth we are really running and running so fast that we are really leaving every thing...we dont have enough time to talk to them...even to ourselves...we have blocked ourselves in corridor which is endless and has no exit...
we have time to go to our girl friends house but we dont have time to call our grand parents..or even talking to them and saying hello.....i am not saying that all of us are doing this but the majority of us are doing this....this is the truth...and we should not run away.......
the only thing i want to say is that...we should have a balance in our life....we shpould have time for them also....we are just a part of them...they have lots of experience....a time spend with them can give them so much happiness that one can never imagine.....and also they would stop talking rubbish about our generation also........
lets us all give it a try.