Wednesday, December 12, 2012

day 3

seriously i am not into this blogging business........then why am i doing all these things.....well no answer for that....blogging business seems like a brain storming exercise..well that one can do through writing diaries also....then why this blogging..??
well i cant say i can answer that........well i stated because i wanted to develop it as ahobby and also to get som critics from my viewers....i know i dont have any right now but certainly it will come...and i could get commments on what i am thiking is in a right way or not....i started blooging in the end of around like 2011...and re started it in the end of 2012
writing gives me satisfaction ...that i am able to put my views on a paper and i am not guided by the others view...... it has always been my demerit that i easily deviate away from my views and i want to get over my demerit .
i have promised my self that i will not use this blooging to talk about the world our india but rather talk about myself everything happening around me and i will be truth ful........nothing would be fantasised...
well then about the day....
this day is the day of broken promises..."broken promises " because i broke my promise which i have promised them....... this certainly shows my lack of sincerity towards my life......each day i woke up with thousands of promise and i am not able to ful fill any of it only me our many of us our facing the same challenge ...i dont know.....
what could be the we promise ourselves unreasonable things....our we are unable to carrry our own expectations....what is it....??...the truth is when we can not keep our promise with our selves how can we fulfill others expectation......
i know my problem... ithink i just dont want to work hard....some one once said to me that i have the depth of the earth...but you are too lazy to dig yourself and get the gems inside you...
i know this could be the problem of many of us and only thing that we can do is keep practicing ourselves till we get out this laziness.

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