Wednesday, December 19, 2012

day 7 & 8

Delhi is heating..... !!!
the rape of the girl that took place in the moving bus in munrika and the height of brutality shown by the bus drivers an there friends by throwing the girl and her friend in unconditional state is just the highest point of brutality.... well right now i am not aware of the background of the bus driver so i am not in a state commenting about the psychological condition the tended him to do such job.
"liquor " it has been told that  the people were drunk when they did this thing......
the law prohibits the people to drive after drinking.. there is a law how many of them are one
second.... were not these men were born out of a women ... a don't think they were born criminals .... were not they respecting the women till this age.... then what happened which tended them to do such a crime..... at least every body is taught to respect their mother.. their sister ...their wife... in total the whole woman structure. what happened in a point of time that they lost everything
third comes the police system what was the police system doing.. when such hilarious thing was happening...why weren't they concerned about the fact that the bus covered with black frames was moving inside their city for so long when there is a rule that no Private or public will have black frames without prior permission..........
fourth the government . is it not the responsibility of the government to protect every citizen...why had it failed at every front...why does it takes action after things have happened...??
fifth the citizen they are asking for harsher punishments for those tell you dhananjoy chatterjee was hanged till death in India..who raped a young girl and then killed her..... didn't the people knew that .... aren't the laws strict in india....
what should be done to the rapist.... he should be according to me send to some mental hospital... he should not be hanged he should be treated and then send to life imprisonment...
what should be done to the girl... she should be given a respectable position.... the society should behave.. .... she should be given a peace ful environment... an environment where she could live happily.. improve... marry someone ... have children... and live a peace ful life....
at least we can do this much

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